
Отчеты по грантам, выполненным в рамках федеральной целевой программы «Научные и научно-педагогические кадры инновационной России» на 2009-2013 гг. » перейти на страницу

Основные публикации:


  1. Takano, K., Asai, M., Kato, K., Komiyama, H., Yamaguchi, A., Iyoda, T., Tadokoro, Y., Nakajima, M., Bakunov, M. I. “Terahertz emission from gold nanorods irradiated by ultrashort laser pulses of different wavelengths,” Scientific Reports, 9(1),3280 (2019).
  2. Tsarev, M. V., Bakunov, M. I. “Tilted-pulse-front excitation of strong quasistatic precursors,” Optics Express, 27(4), 5154 (2019).
  3. Shirokova, A. V., Maslov, A. V., Bakunov, M. I. “Scattering of surface plasmons on graphene by abrupt free-carrier generation,” Physical Review B, 100(4), 045424 (2019).
  4. Sychugin, S. A., Mashkovich, E. A., Maslov, A. V., Bakunov, M. I. “Terahertz Cherenkov radiation from a tightly focused ultrashort laser pulse in an electro-optic medium,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 36(4), 1101 (2019).
  5. Murzanev, A., Bodrov, S., Samsonova, Z., Kartashov, D., Bakunov, M., Petrarca, M. “Superfilamentation in air reconstructed by transversal interferometry,” Physical Review A, 100(6), 063824 (2019).
  6. Bodrov, S. B., Ilyakov, I. E., Shishkin, B. V., Bakunov, M. I. “Highly efficient Cherenkov-type terahertz generation by 2-μm wavelength ultrashort laser pulses in a prism-coupled LiNbO3 layer,” Optics Express, 27(25), 36059 (2019).
  7. Bodrov, S. B., Stepanov, A. N., Bakunov, M. I. “Generalized analysis of terahertz generation by tilted-pulse-front excitation in a LiNbO3 prism,” Optics Express, 27(3), 2396 (2019).
  8. Tokman, M., Bodrov, S. B., Sergeev, Y. A., Korytin, A. I., Oladyshkin, I., Wang, Y., Belyanin, A., Stepanov, A. N. “Second harmonic generation in graphene dressed by a strong terahertz field,” Physical Review B, 99(15), 155411 (2019).
  9. Maslov, A. V., Astratov, V. N. “Resolution and Reciprocity in Microspherical Nanoscopy: Point-Spread Function Versus Photonic Nanojets,” Physical Review Applied, 11(6), 064004 (2019).
  10. Brettin, A., Abolmaali, F., Blanchette, K. F., McGinnis, C. L., Nesmelov, Y. E., Limberopoulos, N. I., Walker, D. E., Jr., Anisimov, I., Urbas, A. M., Poffo, L., Maslov, A. V., Astratov, V. N. “Enhancement of resolution in microspherical nanoscopy by coupling of fluorescent objects to plasmonic metasurfaces,” Applied Physics Letters, 114(13), 131101 (2019).
  11. Khairulin, I. R., Emelin, M. Yu., Ryabikin, M. Yu. “Generation of ultrashort X-ray bursts without attosecond frequency modulation in Coulomb collisions of nuclei of diatomic heteronuclear molecules ionised by an ultraintense laser pulse,” Quantum Electronics 49 (4), 330 (2019).


  1. Efimenko, E. S., Sychugin, S. A., Tsarev, M. V., Bakunov, M. I. “Quasistatic precursors of ultrashort laser pulses in electro-optic crystals,” Physical Review A, 98(1), 013842 (2018).
  2. Shugurov, A. I., Mashkovich, E. A., Bodrov, S. B., Tani, M., & Bakunov, M. I. “Nonellipsometric electro-optic sampling of terahertz waves in GaAs,” Optics Express, 26(18), 23359 (2018).
  3. Samsonova, Z., Kartashov, D., Spielmann, C., Bodrov, S., Murzanev, A., Jukna, V., Petrarca, M., Couairon, A., Polynkin, P. “Measurements of fluence profiles in femtosecond laser sparks and superfilaments in air,” Physical Review A, 97(6), 063841 (2018).
  4. Tsarev, M. V., Baum, P. “Characterization of non-relativistic attosecond electron pulses by transition radiation from tilted surfaces,” New Journal of Physics 20(3), 033002 (2018).
  5. Maslov, A. V. “Accurate Computation of Guided-Wave Coupling to Dielectric Resonators in 2-D Geometry,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 66(6), 2904–2910 (2018).
  6. Maslov, A. V., Bakunov, M. I. “Temporal scattering of a graphene plasmon by a rapid carrier density decrease,” Optica, 5(12), 1508 (2018).
  7. Maslov, A. V. “Optical equilibrium for resonant particles induced by surface plasmons of two-dimensional materials,” Physical Review B, 98(23), 235414 (2018).


  1. A.V. Maslov “Levitation and propulsion of a Mie-resonance particle by a surface plasmon,” Optics Letters 42(17), p. 3327-3330 (2017).
  2. A.V. Maslov, V.N. Astratov “Optical nanoscopy with contact Mie-particles: Resolution analysis,” Applied Physics Letters 110(26), 261107 (2017).
  3. M.I. Bakunov, A.V. Maslov, M.V. Tsarev “Optically generated terahertz pulses with strong quasistatic precursors,” Physical Review A, 95(6), 063817 (2017)
  4. Y. Li, F. Abolmaali, K.W. Allen, N.I. Limberopoulos, A. Urbas, Y. Rakovich, A.V. Maslov, V.N. Astratov “Whispering gallery mode hybridization in photonic molecules,” Laser and Photonics Reviews 11(2), 1600278 (2017)
  5. S. Bodrov, Y. Sergeev, A. Murzanev, A. Stepanov “Terahertz induced optical birefringence in polar and nonpolar liquids,” Journal of Chemical Physics 147(8), 084507 (2017)
  6. I.V. Oladyshkin, S.B. Bodrov, Y.A. Sergeev, A.I. Korytin, M.D. Tokman, A.N. Stepanov “Optical emission of graphene and electron-hole pair production induced by a strong terahertz field,” Physical Review B 96(15), 155401 (2017)
  7. E.A. Mashkovich, S.A. Sychugin, M.I. Bakunov “Generation of narrowband terahertz radiation by an ultrashort laser pulse in a bulk LiNbO3 crystal,” JOSA B, 34(9), 1805-1810 (2017)
  8. T. R. Akhmedzhanov, M. Yu. Emelin, V. A. Antonov, Y. V. Radeonychev, M. Yu. Ryabikin, and Olga Kocharovskaya. Ultimate capabilities for few-cycle pulse formation via resonant interaction of XUV radiation with IR-field-dressed atoms, Phys. Rev. A 95, 023845 (2017).


  1. N.L. Aleksandrov, S.B. Bodrov, M.V. Tsarev, A.A. Murzanev, Yu.A. Sergeev, Yu.A. Malkov, and A.N. Stepanov, “Decay of femtosecond laser-induced plasma filaments in air, nitrogen, and argon for atmospheric and subatmospheric pressures” // PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 2016. Vol. 94. Pp. 013204 (2016).
  2. M.I. Bakunov, S.D. Gorelov, M. Tani, “Nonellipsometric noncollinear electrooptic sampling of terahertz waves: A comprehensive theory,” IEEE Trans. Terahertz Sci. Techn. 6(3), 473-479 (2016).
  3. Бурдонов К.Ф., Соловьёв А.А., Стародубцев М.В. Использование многомодового лазерного источника для интерферометрии сверхмалых фазовых неоднородностей // Письма в Журнал технической физики 2016, 42(6) 77-83.
  4. Бурдонов К.Ф., Еремеев А.А., Игнатова Н.И., Османов Р.Р., Сладков А.Д., Соловьев А.А., Стародубцев М.В., Гинзбург В.Н., Кузьмин А.А., Масленникова А.В., Реве Г., Сергеев А.М., Фукс Ж., Хазанов Е.А., Чен С., Шайкин А.А., Шайкин И.А., Яковлев И.В. Экспериментальный стенд для исследования воздействия ускоренных лазером протонов на биообъекты // Квантовая электроника 2016, 46(4) 283-287.
  5. Шайкин А.А., Кузьмин А.А., Шайкин И.А., Бурдонов К.Ф., Хазанов Е.А. Лазер на стержнях из неодимового стекла с выходной энергией 500 Дж // Квантовая электроника 2016, 46(4) 371-374.
  6. A.V. Maslov, V.N. Astratov "Imaging of sub-wavelength structures radiating coherently near microspheres", Appl. Phys. Lett. 108(5), 051104 (2016).
  7. A.V. Maslov "Resonant optical propulsion of a particle inside a hollow-core photonic crystal fiber", Opt. Lett. 41(13) pp. 3062-3065 (2016).
  8. E. A. Anashkina, A. V. Andrianov, V. V. Dorofeev, and A. V. Kim, "Toward a mid-infrared femtosecond laser system with suspended-core tungstate–tellurite glass fibers", Appl. Opt. 55(17), pp. 4522-4530 (2016).
  9. A. A. Balakin, A. V. Kim, A. G. Litvak, V. A. Mironov, and S. A. Skobelev, "Extreme self-compression of laser pulses in the self-focusing mode resistant to transverse instability", Phys. Rev. A 94, 043812 (2016).
  10. E.A. Anashkina, V.N. Ginzburg, A.A. Kochetkov, I.V. Yakovlev, A.V. Kim,E.A. Khazanov, "Single-shot laser pulse reconstruction based on self-phase modulated spectra measurements", Sci Rep. 6 33749 (2016).
  11. P. Lassonde, S. Mironov, S. Fourmaux, S. Payeur, E. Khazanov, A. Sergeev, J.-C. Kieffer and G. Mourou, "High energy femtosecond pulse compression," Laser Phys. Lett. 13, 075401 (2016).
  12. L.N. Alexandrov, M.Y. Emelin and M.Y. Ryabikin, Probing the field-free orientation dynamics of polar molecules using laser-induced THz wave generation. Molecular Physics, pp.1-6. (2016).
  13. A.S. Emelina, M.Y. Emelin, M.Y. Ryabikin, Subattosecond keV beats of the high-harmonic x-ray field produced with few-cycle mid-IR laser pulses: Magnetic-field effects, Phys. Rev. A 93, 043802 (2016).
  14. L. Alexandrov, M. Emelin, M. Ryabikin, Probing the rotational dynamics of polar molecules using laser-induced THz wave generation, Modern problems of laser physics MPLP-2016, pp.105-106. (2016).
  15. A.S. Emelina, M.Y. Emelin, M.Y. Ryabikin, Effect of magnetic field of mid-IR laser pulse on the spectral shape of high harmonics produced in gases, Modern problems of laser physics MPLP-2016, pp.144-145. (2016).
  16. V.V. Strelkov, V.T. Platonenko, A.F. Sterzhantov, M.Y. Ryabikin, Attosecond electromagnetic pulses: generation, measurement, and application. Generation of high-order harmonics of an intense laser field for attosecond pulse production, Physics-Uspekhi 59 (5), 425 (2016).
  17. I.B. Meyerov, S.I. Bastrakov, I.A. Surmin, A.V. Bashinov, E.S. Efimenko, A.V. Korzhimanov, A.A. Muraviev, A.A. Gonoskov, Hybrid CPU+ Xeon Phi implementation of the Particle-in-Cell method for plasma simulation, Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations, V. 3, No. 3, pp. 5-10 (2016).
  18. I.A. Surmin, S.I. Bastrakov, E.S. Efimenko, A.A. Gonoskov, A.V. Korzhimanov, I.B. Meyerov. Particle-in-Cell laser-plasma simulation on Xeon Phi coprocessors. Computer Physics Communications. 202, P. 204–210. (2016).


  1. M.I. Bakunov, S.M. Kuznetsova, and A.V. Maslov, “Tunable magnetic resonances of high-permittivity dielectric rings coated with graphene,” J. Opt. 17, 105106 (2015).
  2. E.A. Mashkovich, A.I. Shugurov, S. Ozawa, E. Estacio, M. Tani, and M.I. Bakunov, “Noncollinear electro-optic sampling of terahertz waves in a thick GaAs crystal,” IEEE Trans. Terahertz Sci. Techn. 5(5), 732-736 (2015).
  3. M.I. Bakunov, A.V. Maslov, A.L. Novokovskaya, and A. Kryemadhi, “The no-reflection regime of radar detection of cosmic ray air showers,” New J. Phys. 17, 053015 (2015).
  4. A.V. Maslov and M.I. Bakunov, “Ultimate propulsion of wavelength-sized dielectric particles,” Opt. Lett. 40, 1-4 (2015).
  5. S.A. Sychugin, E.A. Anisimov, and M.I. Bakunov, “Cherenkov-type terahertz emission from ultrafast magnetization in a slab of magnetooptic material,” J. Opt. 17, 035507 (2015).
  6. И.Е. Иляков, Б.В. Шишкин, Л.Н. Александров, М.Ю. Емелин, М.Ю. Рябикин, Генерация терагерцового излучения при оптическом пробое воздуха: зависимость оптимального сдвига между компонентами двухцветного лазерного импульса от их интенсивности, Письма в ЖЭТФ 101, 78-83 (2015).
  7. E.N. Nerush and I.Yu. Kostyukov, Laser-driven hole boring and gamma-ray emission in high-density plasmas, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 57, 035007 (2015).
  8. V.A. Antonov, T. R. Akhmedzhanov, Y.V. Radeonychev, and O. Kocharovskaya, Attosecond pulse formation via switching of resonant interaction by tunnel ionization, Phys. Rev. A 91, 023830 (2015).
  9. E.G. Gelfer, A.A. Mironov, A.M. Fedotov, V.F. Bashmakov, I.Yu. Kostyukov, and N.B. Narozhny, Perspectives of implementing QED cascade production with the next generation of laser facilities, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 594, 012054 (2015).
  10. R.A. Akhmedzhanov, L.A. Gushchin, A.A. Kalachev, A.G. Litvak, D.A. Sobgayda, and I.V. Zelensky, Single-qubit gates for ensemble qubits via off-resonant Raman interaction, Laser Phys. 25, 055202 (2015).
  11. А.А. Силаев, О.В. Мешков, М.Ю. Емелин, Н.В. Введенский, М.Ю. Рябикин, Управление динамикой фотоэлектронов для эффективной трансформации короткоимпульсного частотно-модулированного оптического излучения в рентгеновское, Квантовая электроника 45, 393-400 (2015).
  12. Р.А. Ахмеджанов, Л.А. Гущин, И.В. Зеленский, Ю.П. Малакян, Д.А. Собгайда, Демонстрация возможности реализации операции Тоффоли в кристаллах, активированных ионами редкоземельных металлов, Оптика и спектроскопия 119, 102-106 (2015).
  13. А.А. Муравьев, С.И. Бастраков, А.В. Башинов, А.А. Гоносков, Е.С. Ефименко, А.В. Ким, И.Б. Мееров, А.М. Сергеев, Генерация токовых слоев и гигантских квазистатических магнитных полей при ионизации вакуума в экстремально сильных световых полях, Письма в ЖЭТФ 102, 173-178 (2015).
  14. E.G. Gelfer, A.A. Mironov, A.M. Fedotov, V.F. Bashmakov, E.N. Nerush, I.Yu. Kostyukov, and N.B. Narozhny, Optimized multibeam configuration for observation of QED cascades, Phys. Rev. A 92, 022113 (2015).
  15. R.N. Shakhmuratov, F.G. Vagizov, V.A. Antonov, Y.V. Radeonychev, M.O. Scully, and O. Kocharovskaya, Transformation of a single-photon field into bunches of pulses, Phys. Rev. A 92, 023836 (2015).
  16. V.A. Antonov, Y.V. Radeonychev, and O. Kocharovskaya, Gamma-ray-pulse formation in a vibrating recoilless resonant absorber, Phys. Rev. A 92, 023841 (2015).
  17. Y.V. Radeonychev, V.A. Antonov, F.G. Vagizov, R.N. Shakhmuratov, and O. Kocharovskaya, Conversion of recoilless gamma radiation into a periodic sequence of short intense pulses in a set of several sequentially placed resonant absorbers, Phys. Rev. A 92, 043808 (2015).
  18. A.V. Bashinov, A.V. Kim, and A.M. Sergeev, Impact of quantum effects on relativistic electron motion in a chaotic regime, Phys. Rev. E 92, 043105 (2015).
  19. A.S. Emelina, M.Yu. Emelin, and M.Yu. Ryabikin, Multi-keV ultrahigh-order harmonics produced in gases with subrelativistically intense mid-IR laser pulses, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 32, 2478-2487 (2015).
  20. Shaykin A.A., Burdonov K.F., Khazanov E.A. A novel technique for longitudinal mode selection in Q-switched lasers // Laser Physics Letters 2015, Volume 12, Issue 12, pp. 125001.
  21. A. S. Emelina, M. Yu. Emelin, and M. Yu. Ryabikin, Multi-keV ultrahigh-order harmonics produced in gases with subrelativistically intense mid-IR laser pulses, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B  32, 2478-2487 (2015).
  22. I. Ilyakov, B. Shishkin, L. Alexandrov, M. Emelin, M. Ryabikin, Generation of terahertz radiation at optical breakdown of air: The dependence of the optimal phase shift between the components of a two-color laser pulse on their intensity. JETP Letters, Vol. 101 Issue 2, pp.74–78. (2015).
  23. A.A. Silaev, O.V. Meshkov, M.Yu. Emelin, N.V. Vvedenskii, and M.Yu Ryabikin, Control of the photoelectron dynamics for the effective conversion of short-pulse, frequency-modulated optical radiation into X-ray radiation. Quantum Electronics, Vol. 45 Issue 5, pp.393–400 (2015).


  1. A.S. Skryl, D.G. Pavelyev, M.Y. Tretyakov, and M.I. Bakunov, “High-resolution terahertz spectroscopy with a single tunable frequency comb,” Opt. Express 22, 32276-32281 (2014).
  2. A.V. Maslov, S.M. Kuznetsova, M. Hangyo, and M.I. Bakunov, “Axial magnetic resonances of rotationally symmetric high-permittivity dielectric particles of arbitrary shape,” J. Opt. 16, 125104 (2014).
  3. M.I. Bakunov, E.A. Mashkovich, and E.V. Svinkina, “Asymmetric Cherenkov radiation for improved terahertz generation in the Si-prism-coupled LiNbO3 layer,” Opt. Lett. 39, 6779-6782 (2014).
  4. M. Tani, M.I. Bakunov, K. Yamamoto, K. Horita, T. Kinoshita, T. Nagase, “Detection of terahertz pulsed radiation by using heterodyne electro-optic sampling scheme,” Electronics and Communications in Japan 97, 8-15 (2014).
  5. M.I. Bakunov and A.V. Maslov, “Reflection and transmission of electromagnetic waves at a temporal boundary: comment,” Opt. Lett. 39, 6029 (2014).
  6. S. Tsuzuki, D. Takeshima, T. Sakon, T. Kinoshita, T. Nagase, K. Kurihara, K. Yamamoto, F. Kuwashima, T. Furuya, E. Estacio, K. Kawase, M.I. Bakunov, and M. Tani, “Highly sensitive electro-optic sampling of terahertz waves using field enhancement in a tapered waveguide structure,” Appl. Phys. Express 7, 112401 (2014).
  7. M. I. Bakunov and S. B. Bodrov, “Terahertz generation with tilted-front laser pulses in a contact-grating scheme,” JOSA B 11, 2549-2557 (2014).
  8. D.G. Pavelyev, A.S. Skryl, and M.I. Bakunov, “High-resolution broadband terahertz spectroscopy via electronic heterodyne detection of photonically generated terahertz frequency comb,” Opt. Lett. 39, 5669-5672 (2014).
  9. A.V. Maslov and M.I. Bakunov, “Resonant optical gun,” Opt. Lett. 39, 2823-2826 (2014).
  10. M.I. Bakunov, A.V. Maslov, S.M. Kuznetsova, S.N. Zhukov, “Magnetic response of planar dielectric rings,” Photonics and Nanostructures – Fundamentals and Applications 12, 114-121, 2014.
  11. A.S. Skryl, J.B. Jackson, M.I. Bakunov, M. Menu, and G.A. Mourou, “Terahertz time-domain imaging of hidden defects in wooden artworks: application to
a Russian icon painting,” Appl. Opt. 53, 1033-1038 (2014).
  12. M.Yu. Emelin and M.Yu. Ryabikin, Atomic photoionization and dynamical stabilization with subrelativistically intense high-frequency light: magnetic field effects revisited, Phys. Rev. A, v. 89, No 1, 013418 (2014).
  13. А.С. Емелина, М.Ю. Емелин, М.Ю. Рябикин, О возможности генерации высоких гармоник с энергиями квантов более 10 кэВ при взаимодействии интенсивного излучения среднего ИК диапазона с нейтральными газами, Квантовая электроника, т. 44, №5, с.470-477, 2014.
  14. A.V. Bashinov, A.A. Gonoskov, A.V. Kim, G. Mourou, and A.M. Sergeev, New horizons for extreme light physics with mega-science project XCELS, Eur. Phys. J. ST. v. 223, 1105 (2014).
  15. J. Fuchs, A.A. Gonoskov, M. Nakatsutsumi, W. Nazarov, F. Quéré, A.M. Sergeev, and X.Q. Yan, Plasma devices for focusing extreme light pulses, Eur. Phys. J. ST. v. 223, 1169 (2014).
  16. А. А. Шайкин, А. П. Фокин, А. А. Соловьев, А. А. Кузьмин, И. А. Шайкин, К. Ф. Бурдонов, А. В. Чарухчев, Е. А. Хазанов “Стержневой лазерный усилитель на неодимовом стекле диаметром 150 мм” // Квантовая Электроника, т. 44, 426, 2014.
  17. В. В. Зеленогорский, А. В. Андрианов, Е. И. Гачева, Г. В. Геликонов, М. Красильников, М. А. Мартьянов, С. Ю. Миронов, А. К. Потёмкин, Е. М. Сыресин, Ф. Штефан, Е. А. Хазанов “Сканирующий кросс-коррелятор для мониторинга однородных трехмерных эллипсоидальных лазерных пучков” // Квантовая Электроника, т. 44, 76, 2014.
  18. A. Gonoskov, A. Bashinov, I. Gonoskov, C. Harvey, A. Ilderton, A. Kim, M. Marklund, G. Mourou, and A. Sergeev, "Anomalous Radiative Trapping in Laser Fields of Extreme Intensity," Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 014801 (2014).
  19. A. Andrianov, E. Anashkina, A. Kim, I. Meyerov, S. Lebedev, A. Sergeev, and G. Mourou, "Three-dimensional modeling of CPA to the multimillijoule level in tapered Yb-doped fibers for coherent combining systems," Opt. Express 22, 28256 (2014).
  20. Andrey N. Stepanov, Sergey B. Bodrov, Igor E. Ilyakov, Aleksey I. Korytin, Nickolay L. Aleksandrov, and Nickolay V. Vvedenskii, Efficient THz generation by femtosecond laser pulses and using THz radiation for plasma diagnostics // Terahertz Science and Technology, Vol. 7, pp. 108-127, 2014.
  21. A.V. Maslov "Resonant Pulling of a Microparticle Using a Backward Surface Wave", Phys. Rev. Lett. 112(11) 113903 (2014).


  1. M. Tani, T. Kinoshita, T. Nagase, K. Horita, C.T. Que, E. Estacio, K. Yamamoto, and M.I. Bakunov, Non-ellipsometric detection of terahertz radiation using heterodyne EO sampling in the Cherenkov velocity matching scheme, Opt. Express 21, 9277-9288 (2013).
  2. A.V. Maslov and M.I. Bakunov, Eddy currents and magnetic moments of planar rings of arbitrary width, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 25, 056003 (2013).
  3. M. Burza, A. Gonoskov, K. Svensson, F. Wojda, A. Persson, M.Hansson, G. Genoud, M. Marklund, C-G Wahlström, O. Lundh, Laser wakefield acceleration using wire produced double density ramps // Physical Review Special Topics-Accelerators and Beams, v. 16, No 1, 011301 (2013).
  4. A. Pipahl, E.A. Anashkina, M. Toncian, T. Toncian, S.A. Skobelev, A.V. Bashinov, A.A. Gonoskov, O. Willi, A.V. Kim, High-intensity few-cycle laser-pulse generation by the plasma-wakefield self-compression effect // Physical Review E, v. 87, No 3, 033104 (2013).
  5. A. Pipahl, E.A. Anashkina, M. Toncian, T. Toncian, S.A. Skobelev, A.V. Bashinov, A.A. Gonoskov, O. Willi, A.V. Kim, Towards high intensity few-cycle pulses using plasma wakefield self-compression effect // Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 414, 1, 012011 (2013).
  6. L.N. Alexandrov, M.Yu. Emelin, and M.Yu. Ryabikin, Unidirectional current excitation in tunneling ionization of asymmetric molecules, Phys. Rev. A, v.87, No 1, 013444 (2013).
  7. М.Ю. Емелин, М.Ю. Рябикин, О возможностях использования лазеров среднего ИК диапазона для генерации высоких гармоник с субнанометровыми длинами волн в газах, Квантовая электроника, т.43, №3, с.211-216, 2013.
  8. V.A. Antonov, Y.V. Radeonychev, and O. Kocharovskaya, Formation of a single attosecond pulse via interaction of resonant radiation with a strongly perturbed atomic transition, Phys. Rev. Lett., v. 110, No 21, 213903 (2013).
  9. V.A. Antonov, Y.V. Radeonychev, and Olga Kocharovskaya, Formation of ultrashort pulses via quantum interference between Stark split atomic transitions in a hydrogenlike medium // Physical Review A, v. 88, № 5, Art. no. 053849 (2013).
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  5. M. Tani, K. Horita, T. Kinoshita, C. T. Que, E. Estacio, K. Yamamoto, and M. I. Bakunov, Efficient electro-optic sampling detection of terahertz radiation via Cherenkov phase matching, Opt. Express 19, 19901-19906 (2011).
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  10. S.B. Bodrov, V. Bukin, M.V. Tsarev, A. Murzanev, S. Garnov, N.L. Aleksandrov, and A.N. Stepanov, Plasma filament investigation by transverse optical interferometry and terahertz scattering, Opt. Express 19, 6829-6835 (2011).
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