Arkady Kim
Permanent employment and position
Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Head of the Laboratory “Extreme Nonlinear Optics”
Position at ELSA
Senior research scientist
Academic qualifications: PhD
Recent publications
- A. Pipahl, E.A. Anashkina, M. Toncian, T. Toncian, S.A. Skobelev, A.V. Bashinov, A.A. Gonoskov, O. Willi, A.V. Kim, High-intensity few-cycle laser-pulse generation by the plasma-wakefield self-compression effect // Physical Review E, v. 87, No 3, 033104 (2013).
- A. Pipahl, E.A. Anashkina, M. Toncian, T. Toncian, S.A. Skobelev, A.V. Bashinov, A.A. Gonoskov, O. Willi, A.V. Kim, Towards high intensity few-cycle pulses using plasma wakefield self-compression effect // Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 414, 1, 012011 (2013).
- S. A. Skobelev, A.V. Kim, and O. Willi, Generation of High-Energy Few-Cycle Laser Pulses by Using the Ionization-Induced Self-Compression Effect, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 123904 (2012).
- F. Cattani, A. Kim, T. Hansson, D. Anderson and M. Lisak, Multihump soliton-like structures in interactions of lasers and Bose-Einstein condensates, Europhys. Lett. 94, 53003 (2011).
- A.V. Kim and S.A. Skobelev, Few-cycle vector solitons of light, Phys. Rev. A 83, 063832 (2011)
- F. Cattani, A. Kim, D. Anderson, and M. Lisak, Co-propagating Bose-Einstein condensates and electromagnetic radiation: Emission of mutually localized structures, Phys. Rev. A 83, 013608 (2011).
- E.S. Efimenko, A.V. Kim, and M. Quiroga-Teixeiro, Ionization-induced dynamics of laser-matter interaction in a focused faser pulse: A comparative analysis, Phys. Plasmas 18, (2011).
- F. Cattani, V. Geyko, A. Kim, D. Anderson, and M. Lisak, Interacting laser and Bose-Einstein-condensate atomic beams: Mutual guiding structures, Phys. Rev. A 81, 043623 (2010).
- F. Cattani, A. Kim, D. Anderson and M. Lisak, Co-propagating Bose–Einstein condensates and electromagnetic radiation: formation of mutually localized structures, J. Phys. B: At. Opt. Mol. Phys. 43, 085301 (2010).
- A. Andrianov, E. Anashkina, S. Muravyev, and A. Kim, All-fiber design of hybrid Er-doped laser/Yb-doped amplifier system for high-power ultrashort pulse generation, Opt. Lett. 35, 3805 (2010).
- V.I. Eremin, A.V. Korzhimanov, and A.V. Kim, Relativistic self-induced transparency effect during ultraintense laser interaction with overdense plasmas: Why it occurs and its use for ultrashort electron bunch generation, Phys. Plasmas 17, 043102 (2010).
- A. Andrianov, A. Kim, S. Muraviov, and A. Sysoliatin, Wavelength-tunable few-cycle optical pulses directly from an all-fiber Er-doped laser setup, Opt. Lett. 34, 3193 (2009).
- A.A. Gonoskov, A.V. Korzhimanov, V. Eremin, A.V. Kim, and A.M. Sergeev, Multicascade Proton Acceleration by a Superintense Laser Pulse in the Regime of Relativistically Induced Slab Transparency, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 184801 (2009).
- E.S. Efimenko, A.V. Kim, and M. Quiroga-Teixeiro, Ionization-Induced Small-Scaled Plasma Structures in Tightly Focused Ultrashort Laser Pulses, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 015002 (2009).
- A.V. Andrianov, S.V. Muraviev, A.V. Kim, and A.A. Sysoliatin, Widely-Wavelength-Tunable Few-Cycle Optical Pulse Generation from an All-Fiber Erbium-Doped Laser System, Laser Physics 19, 2014 (2009).
- С.А. Скобелев, Д.И. Кулагин, А.Н. Степанов, A.V. Kim, А.М. Сергеев, Н.Е. Андреев, Ионизационная самокомпрессия интенсивных фемтосекундных импульсов при распространении через газонаполненные диэлектрические капилляры, Письма ЖЭТФ 89, 641 (2009).
- A.V. Kim, S.A. Skobelev, D. Anderson, T. Hansson, and M. Lisak, Extreme nonlinear optics in a Kerr medium: Exact soliton solutions for a few cycles, Phys. Rev. A 77, 043823 (2008).
- S.A. Skobelev, D.V. Kartashov, and A.V. Kim, Few-Optical-Cycle Solitons and Pulse Self-Compression in a Kerr Medium, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 203902 (2007).
- А.В. Коржиманов, В.И. Еремин, А.В. Ким, М.Р. Тушенцов, О взаимодействии релятивистски сильных электромагнитных волн со слоем закритической плазмы, ЖЭТФ 132, 771 (2007).
- А.В. Коржиманов, А.А. Гоносков, А.В. Ким, А.М. Сергеев, Об ускорении протонов и легких ионов до энергий ГэВ при взаимодействии сверхсильного лазерного излучения со структурированной плазменной мишенью, Письма ЖЭТФ 86, 662 2007).
- А.В. Андрианов, С.В. Муравьев, А.В. Ким, А.А. Сысолятин, Генерация плавно перестраиваемых в широком частотном диапазоне оптических солитонных импульсов в кварцевых световодах с переменной дисперсией, Письма ЖЭТФ 85, 446 (2007).
- A.V. Andrianov, S.V. Muraviev, A.V. Kim, and A.A. Sysoliatin, DDF-Based All-Fiber Optical Source of Femtosecond Pulses Smoothly Tuned in the Telecommunication Range, Laser Physics 17, 1296 (2007).